Exploring An Abandoned High School
Something I haven’t done a whole lot of is exploring and photographing abandoned buildings, an activity often referred to as urban exploring or urbex. It’s a subject that has always interested me, I just haven’t had much chance to practice it myself. As such, I jumped on board when I was invited to go explore an abandoned high school with some friends.
The school
This high school originally opened its doors in 1953 and operated up until 1994. It was later used as an alternative school until about 2005. In 2007, the building was finally auctioned off and has been sitting abandoned ever since.
Not surprisingly, the building is in bad shape and has been largely picked through. The story I heard is that the individual that bought the building at auction stripped it of all the copper and other metals that could be scrapped. The guy made his money back plus some and simply disappeared, leaving the building to rot away.
More to come?
I thoroughly enjoyed this little adventure. I found that the urban decay made for an extremely interesting subject to photograph. Perhaps there will be more of these sorts of adventures in the future.
Only time will tell!